Philipp Zschenderlein joins INTEXseas!

Philipp joins us from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), where he recently obtained his PhD. Philipp is an expert on heat wave dynamics and intensively studied heat waves across Europe from a Lagrangian point of view.

Philipp now joins the INTEXseas project as a PostDoc. In INTEXseas, Philipp will investigate, among other things, under which temperature regimes large amounts of precipitation occur and he will study the meteorological reasons for that. Moreover, Philipp plans to identify extreme summer objects in numerous large ensemble simulations from various modelling centers using an identifiaction scheme that has previousely been developped in INTEXseas.

Mauro Hermann joins INTEXseas!

Mauro has recently finished his MSc at IAC ETH. Mauro intensively studied climate change in the Arctic during his MSc thesis (on the atmoshperic dynamics leading to Greenland melt events) but also as a member of the MOSAiC expedition. Mauro now joins the INTEXseas project as a PhD student. In INTEXseas, Mauro will investigate societal effects of extreme seasons with a special focus on the Alpine region: “As the INTEXseas project targets the seasonal timescale, its results are conceivably highly significant for different economic sectors such as agriculture, forestry, health, energy and tourism. I am looking forward to work in a well-known team, tackling the project from the impact side of forest damage and/or winter seasons in the Alps.”

Katharina Hartmuth joins the INTEXseas team!


Katharina has recently finished her studies in earth sciences with emphasis on atmospheric and climate science at ETH Zürich. In her master’s thesis she analysed the role of cold (CAA) and warm air advection (WAA) for freshwater fluxes in the South Indian Ocean. Next to developing a climatology of strong CAA and WAA in this area she analysed measurements of stable water isotopes to investigate the influence of CAA and WAA on the moisture source regions.

“Understanding the atmospheric processes behind extreme seasons in the larger context of climate dynamics is the key motivation for me working on the INTEXseas project”, Katharina says. Her INTEXseas-related research will be focused on extreme seasons in polar regions. The main emphasis will be the analysis of the processes leading to them, their representation in global climate models and if they reflect a possible climate change signal.