New paper by INTEXseas members Mauro Hermann, Lukas Papritz and Heini Wernli published in WCD
Mauro Hermann and his former MSc thesis supervisors (Lukas Papritz, Heini Wernli) recently conducted a study on Greenland melt events in Weather and Climate Dynamics. The use of Lagrangian backward trajectories – calculated with the powerful LAGRANTO tool also used in the INTEXseas project – gave them insight into the dynamical and thermodynamic processes acting […]

First INTEXseas study published as EGU highlight article in WCD
We are happy to see our first INTEXseas article published as an EGU highlight article in the new EGU journal Weather and Climate Dynamics. Find a short description of our study on the “the substructure of extremely hot summers in the Northern Hemisphere” here and the paper here.

Mauro Hermann joins INTEXseas!
Mauro has recently finished his MSc at IAC ETH. Mauro intensively studied climate change in the Arctic during his MSc thesis (on the atmoshperic dynamics leading to Greenland melt events) but also as a member of the MOSAiC expedition. Mauro now joins the INTEXseas project as a PhD student. In INTEXseas, Mauro will investigate societal […]

Katharina Hartmuth joins the INTEXseas team!
Katharina has recently finished her studies in earth sciences with emphasis on atmospheric and climate science at ETH Zürich. In her master’s thesis she analysed the role of cold (CAA) and warm air advection (WAA) for freshwater fluxes in the South Indian Ocean. Next to developing a climatology of strong CAA and WAA in […]

INTEXseas research being presented at HyMeX workshop in Split, Croatia
The extremely wet winter of 2009/2010 in the Mediterranean and its relationship with synoptic scale atmospheric circulation Emmanouil Flaounas will present some of his INTEXseas work at the HyMeX workshop in Split (23/5/2019). The abstract of Emmanouil’s poster presentation is included below. In this study, we analyse the atmospheric conditions that led to the anomalously […]